Hand-tied bouquet flower care
Want to keep your flowers pretty? Here's some tips and instructions from our flower experts to care for your BloomThis hand-tied flower bouquet.
If you'd like to preserve your bouquet, just hang them upside down in a dry and airy area.
Mae Fun
Floral Artisan
1. Get a clean vase
The cleaner your vase, the lesser the bacteria and the longer your flowers bloom. Of course, you can also use a jar, a mug, a teapot or anything that you fancy.
2. Fill clean water
Fill the vase with cold tap water. Too much water can speed the decay of the stems, and too little will hamper hydration. We suggest filling your vase up to two-thirds full.
3. Place in your vase
Store your hand-tied bouquet in your filled vase. If you're using your bouquet for a wedding, just place it in the vase as-is until you're ready to use it. If not, feel free to trim the stems, prune the lower leaves and arrange them in your filled vase however you like. Here's a pro tip: place taller stems at the back and the short ones at the front.
4. Place in a cool area
Place your hand-tied bouquet in a cool room or shaded area. Avoid direct air-conditioning, direct sunlight, extreme heat, dust and ripening fruit. All of these conditions may make your flowers wilt faster.
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