Unfold your love story with Joseph Lee & Maggy Wang
Do you remember the moment when you first met your sweetheart? That sweet rush of emotion of your first text message. Your first date. Holding hands, although your palms were as wet as a damp cloth. Young love is beautiful and with the right person, it goes on to be the most memorable journey of a lifetime.
Meet Joseph Lee and Maggy Wang. The quintessential picture-perfect couple, Joseph is a strength and conditioning coach, model and Jiujitsu competitor while Maggy is the voice of Fly Fm’s 10 am - 4 pm, fitness coach, TV host & emcee. But underneath that veneer, is the most fun-friendly couple you’ve ever met. Expect corny jokes, slaps on the back and devilishly humorous verbal jabs at each other.
This February, BloomThis and Hotel Stripes are celebrating Valentine’s with #unfoldyourlovestory, a series featuring local couples and their inspiring journey of love. Keep reading to the end for an exciting contest.
We chat with Joseph and Maggy to find out more behind their love story.
How did you meet?
J: I’ll let the lady answer!
M: We met on Tinder, which is not uncommon. When we first started, our conversations were hanging, like 5-6 replies. However, on the same night we matched on Tinder, we actually bumped into each other at a friend’s house party. You could say that it’s fated but it wasn’t love at first sight
J: No, I was angry haha.
M: I went home and realised he unmatched me on Tinder which was an asshole move, but months later I was trying to set up two friends together. They didn’t want to hang out so they asked me to join in. I said “Sure, but I don’t want to be the third wheel so could you ask your friend to bring someone else?” On their first movie date, I saw this guy standing there and I thought “Oh my god, is he the friend?” That’s when we started hanging out as friends and months later, things just happened.
J: Things just bloomed, if you know what I mean.
M: BloomThis!
What made you decide he/she's the one?
J: On one particular date, we were supposed to feed the homeless together. We were volunteering for a soup-kitchen and were supposed to be a four-person team but two of our friends bailed out at the last minute. We fed the homeless and after that, we went to a cafe and hung out. We started talking a lot and found out that she was cool, friendly, down to earth and very loving. That’s when I knew that she was the one.
M: Funny story is that for the both of us, that was the moment that we went home and we were like “Oh my god, were there some sparks going on?”
J: Those were not sparks, those were fireworks.
M: Haha, for both of us, it was the exact same moment.
Meeting the parents. What was it like?
M: His parents are supercool. His dad is like another Joseph - a funny guy and his mom is super chill, so I felt welcome. He has four other brothers and they were stressful for me. I thought “Will they like me?” But his parents were super cool. I love them!
J: When I first met her sister, she gave me the death stare. We went out to this cafe and she didn’t speak to me the entire time. I was panicking and thinking “Does she like me” or “What am I supposed to do now?” It was so awkward. Why am I here? Why did I agree on this? But she warmed up and I guess she’s pretty okay. Her mum was cool so I don’t have any problems with her mum or dad.
M: My sister never really liked the guys I’ve dated. She was very hostile at first. She was like “Are you sure you’re the right guy for my sister?” After you’ve passed the first test with my sister, you’re good.
J: I’m good.
What's the sweetest thing you've done for each other?
J: Ladies first. I’d like to see how she answers before I do.
M: Haha. During the period where he was courting me, my sister had a number of potential prospects as well, and they would always send flowers to the house. I was at home and my sister wasn’t, so I’d be the one receiving them. I got fed up since it was up to five or six bouquets in a week and they weren’t for me. So, I often posted a Facebook status like ‘Got 6 flower deliveries this week and none of them are mine’. It was one of those silly statuses on Facebook. The next day, I came home from work and I got a bouquet again. I was like “Oh no, again!” But this time, it said ‘This one is yours for sure. Love, J’. I don’t know how he did it but good job!
J: I did it guys. I did it all by myself. For me, a couple of years back, I had a slipped disc and I was admitted to the hospital for a good week. I love food, by the way. So, she would come by to visit me every day, with my favourite food. I thought it was pretty sweet. It was a very simple gesture but I really appreciated it, thank you.
M: You’re welcome! I didn’t know that was sweet for you. Now, I know.
J: Anything to do with food, I am yours.
M: He eats a lot, by the way. He eats five bowls of rice and he still isn’t full. So, I had to bring a lot of food to the hospital.
J: My mum calls me ‘fan thong’ (cantonese for rice bucket).
M: I’d bring something different everyday, all his favourites. He’d say “I need to eat. I don’t want hospital food.”
J: She also got me salad.
What's the one thing you can't stand the most about one another?
M: Actually I have two things.
J: Can I talk for the whole day?
M: Hey, please! Actually, it’s just one. He grinds his teeth at night, and I’ll always wake up. It’s really loud and you can hear it from the other room. The next day, he’s like “My jaw hurts” and I was like “Because you kept grinding your teeth the whole night and I couldn’t sleep”. It’s the grinding that I hate.
J: Is it that bad?
M: Yes. I got him a mouth guard.
J: I’m a morning person and I love waking up at 7 or 8 am just to see the sunrise. Maggy hates it. In the weekend, I wake up at 7 or 8 am and I’d say to her “Can we have breakfast together?” She wakes up in the most annoying mood ever and says “No ,no, no. Sleep, sleep, sleep.”
M: It’s the weekend! I wake up everyday for work, so of course, I want to sleep in during the weekends!
J: She gets angry and I don’t know how a person can be that angry.
M: I’m not a morning person. Now the world knows. Don’t wake me up in the morning. Especially in the weekends.
J: If you want to live, don’t wake her up in the morning.
Tell us a funny moment in your relationship.
M: If you know Joseph, you’d know that he’s a funny guy and that’s why I fell for him. He makes me laugh every day so every day is a funny moment. I can’t remember. He’s funny 24/7 and sometimes, it gets annoying and I’d tell him “Can you chill out and not be funny for once?”
J: My turn, right? Our first year together, we went to Bangkok. We sat on the train because the roads were jammed. We landed in Bangkok around 6 pm, peak hour. The hotel that we were staying at was right beside the train station but we stopped at the wrong station. That hotel had a lot of branches throughout Bangkok.
M: We didn’t know that at the time.
J: We stopped at the station before the actual station. We went down the train station and walked around the streets, trying to find the hotel. The first thing Maggy said was “Don’t roll my luggage bag on the streets.” Being a gentlemen, I took my luggage and hers and walked around Bangkok for half an hour. We couldn’t find the hotel.
M: We could’ve taken an UBER or a GRAB but he didn’t want to.
J: It was jammed. I was holding her bag for half an hour, walking back and forth, trying to find the hotel. That was fine. I didn’t complain at all. And then she said, “Where is our hotel? I didn’t come here to be tired.” I was drenched in sweat! I was like “Are you kidding me? Are you saying this to me right now?” She said, “What? I didn’t come here to be tired. It’s a holiday!”
M: I don’t speak like that but I’m sorry.
J: I was so angry inside but I was laughing on the inside as well. I didn’t know how to react! That was the funniest thing.
M: It was funny for you but not for me because I worked in the morning. I was on radio and then, I rushed to the airport and after the airport, you wanted to get stuck in the jam, fine. After that, you still wanted me to walk, with my luggage, to find a hotel, which we didn’t know where it was.
J: I was carrying the luggage.
M: I had my backpack too.
J: I had your luggage and mine and my backpack.
Describe each other with one word.
J: Annoying. No, I’m kidding. Passionate. Maggy has always been the kind that when she puts something at work, she would go get it. When we got together for the first time, she was struggling with her studies and her part-time as a radio announcer. She grinded for a good year. We were together when she got the news. They called her up, during lunch at a cafe, and they said, “We need you to be our full-time announcer.” She broke down, cried and said “I’ve been working for this for so long.” To see her grow, working with various brands, grinding, pushing herself, being comfortable and being uncomfortable - it’s really something.
M: Thank you. Wow. I’ve never heard this part of him. He’s very non-PDA and doesn’t say sweet stuff on a daily basis. So, this is very nice to hear.
M: It’s very hard to describe Joseph in one word because he is so many things in one. I would say unconditional. He gives his unconditional love, effort and energy and everything he does to his family, friends and loved ones and also his jiujitsu, which he’s very passionate about. When he had the slipped disc and doctors said he had to give up, I could hear his heart break but he said, “No, I’m going to grind through this.” That unconditional love for himself and the things he does is something I always look up to.
Do you like flowers?
J: She loves flowers. She tells me she doesn’t but every year when I get her flowers, she loves it. She keeps it.
M: I don’t keep the whole thing. I keep the one last petal because it dries up. I have another story! It’s connected to the sweet thing that he did. After two years, the flowers he got me dried up. I kept one petal. One day, the maid came over to clean and the petal turned to ashes. I had to throw it away. I was so heart broken. I posted an Instagram Story with the caption: It’s been two years, goodbye. The next day, he bought me another bouquet to replace that. So, the only time he’ll buy me flowers is every two years.
J: I know where to get them now. BloomThis!
What's Maggy’s favourite flower?
J: Roses.
M: What colour?
J: Red. She loves the colour red - maroon red. Hence, the skirt and the lips.
M: I think red is my colour this year.
Join the Unfold Your Love Story Contest
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